Tuesday, May 29, 2007

So many frickin' questions

OK....I stole this from L2 who stole it from Hillery.....so you'll have to ask them what the missing numbers are.......

1. When’s the last time you ran?..Ran what?? water?? my nose??The dishwasher?? Sorry but you'll have to be more specific.....if it's me the person you're asking then I would have to say a few days ago for about what would be a quarter mile and I do it close to home so that if I do down and they need to call 911 I'm not that far from home

2. Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them?No.....not since I was a little kid....in fact I don't care for the look really

3. What are you dreading right now? lots of things.......

4. Did you celebrate 4/20?What's that??....Arbor Day,Earth Day??......What....I don't understand what you're asking.............but I'll answer that I only celebrate it with Rainy Day Women #12 & 35

6. Favorite ice cream?Any that comes from a cart in a Disney Theme Park

7. When was your last doctor’s visit?.......not quite 2 weeks ago and I still have the black and blue marks from it.........I'll be happy to show you....for a dollar

8. Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night?Seeing as how I work nights I don't think it would be a good thing to sleep on the job....so no.....nor do I during the day either

12. If anyone came to your house on your “lazy days” what would they find you wearing?.....Well if it's not when I'm cleaning house and vacuuming they would find me in shorts and a t shirt

14. Have you ever been on your school’s track team?Ya right

15. Do you own a pair of Converse?Nope.

17. Do you eat raw cookie dough?Yes.....do you have some??

19. Don’t you hate when the radio ruins good songs by playing them too much?Since I don't listen to that much "music" on the radio I can't say yes or no

21. Do you watch Trading Spaces?Not since Paige Davis left

22. How do you eat oreos?With my mouth...how do you eat them??

23. Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone?Sometimes

24. Are you cocky?Sometimes

30. Could you live without a computer?I have,but now that I have one of my own that works I would rather not have to

31. Do you wear your shoes in the house?Sometimes......depends on if I'm going to be going out soon or not

33. At what age did you find out that Santa wasn’t real?.....I've been asked this before and I still don't believe you when you say that he isn't

34. How many phones, house phones and cell phones are in your house?....Just my cell.....I do have a Mickey Mouse phone but that's just a decoration

35. What do you do when you’re sad?write in my journal,listen to music.......cry if I have to

36. Who would you call first if you won the lottery?depends on how much I won......if it's just a scratch and lose and a few bucks,no one but if it was a large amount........probably my parents

37. Last time you saw your best friends?....well I saw a couple of them just a few days ago but a large group I guess it's a couple years ago now

40. Who or what sleeps with you?....well the boggy man under the bad but no one else in the bed with me

45. Is anyone on your bad side right now?Not that I can think of.......but piss me off and you'll be first in line I guess

46. What jewelry are you wearing?none at this moment but when I do it's my mickey icon ring,my Fantasia 2000 Flamingo Watch and an icon neckless

47. What’s the first thing you do when you get online?close the windows that open that I don't need when my computer first turns on

49. Do you watch Grey’s Anatomy?Nope never seen a second of it

50. How do most people spell your name? DOM.........who didn't see that one coming??

51. Would you wear a boy/girlfriends clothes?..............TMI.......

54. Where do you work?Rosen Hotels Reservations

56. What are you doing tomorrow?SSDD

57. Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson?What??....A middle Aged White has been....I guess

58. Favorite name for a girl?Sally

59. Favorite name for a boy?......Billy.........sorry...inside joke with my brother and myself

60. Will you keep your last name if you get married?.....being Male,I think I would

61. Your favorite restaurant you don’t get to eat much at?Nothing comes to mind other then The Fitgers Brewhouse.......seeing as how it's in Duluth MN and I'm in Orlando FL......it's a little out of the way I think

62. When is the last time you left your house?Other then to step out to the Exile....this afternoon for a short time for a trip to Epcot

.67. Do you return your cart?Yep.......As I always tell myself...the short walk to take it back won't kill me.....well unless I'm hit by a car

69. Do you have a dishwasher?Sure Do.....and my hands are thankful for it every time I start it

70. What noise do you hear?.....well other then the ITunes shuffling on the computer right now,I hear my Great Grandmothers clocking ticking and I hear an AC fan outside too

71. Would you survive in prison?.........I wouldn't make it that far to find out

72. Next concert you hope to go to? Da Rads.......in Tampa in July

73. What was the last thing you ate? A Tollhouse Ice Cream Bar.....from and Ice Cream cart at Epcot

74. Who was the last person you said “i love you” to and meant it?....Mom and Dad

75. Who is the youngest in your family?You're looking at him.......yep...I'm the baby

76. If all of your friends were going on a road trip, who would be the most likely to over pack?.....Not sure on that one......but I can think of one that would throw cloths away as we went along :lol:

77. Do you know anyone with the same name as you? Yep

78. How many shoes do you own?.......well 4......2 different pair

79. when was the last time you ate peanut butter?Yesterday Morning

81. What service is your cell phone?Sprint

82. What’s for dinner?I don't know....what are you cooking??

83. What’s the last thing you purchased?.......well I guess it would be the Ice Cream sandwich

84. Do your siblings ever pay for stuff for you?......They haven't in a while......once again,they are in MN and I'm in FL

85. Where is your cell phone?In the bedroom right now

86. Is your phone on vibrate or ring?Ring.

87. What brand are your pants right now?...........well seeing as it's 3 in the morning and I can't sleep,at this very moment they are Fruit of the Loom but in general they are the cheap kakies from Target

89. Did you eat breakfast this morning?...the BJ toast you asked about before

90. Do you like marshmallows?...in Rice Crispy Treats.....like the kind you can get in the Goofys Candy Store in DTD covered with different things

91. What irritates you most on the Internet?.......Spam

92. What brand is your digital camera? HP

93. Do you watch movies with your parents?I have but not in a while

96. What song best describes your life right now?Sorry...nothing comes to mind really

97. Do you own expensive perfume/cologne?Eckerd Drug,Spice Scent......what the hell do you think

98. Are you taking college classes right now? Only if it's the School of Hard Knocks

101. Do you like sushi?Yes!

102. Do you get your hair cut every month? ya right

103. Do you go online everyday?Yes.


Anonymous said...

don't want to cut that hair too often!

Anonymous said...

Well said.