Sunday, November 20, 2005

Building walls and Digging ditched

I've always found that once something isn't fun anymore I stop doing it..........At least that's what I tell myself.........Except I seem to have forgot the whole concept of that because some things I found fun I did stop doing and some that I know are not I still do..........Guess that's the way of the Life I lead...........Living as a Mouse in a hole...........He squires out from time to time to get a chunk of cheese or a crumb but most of the time he hides in his hole watching the world go by too afraid to come out for fear that there would be a trap he might find to end it all

I've done it before.............How does it go again??.........Closed the door,locked it,nailed boards in front of it,bricked up the wall in front of the boards,sheetrocked the wall,painted it and hung a picture on the wall that is there where the door once was...........Then throw away the key to the lock just to make sure the door never opens again............And sad to say it's seemed to have worked on a few things in life....Not always for the better........

to be continued

So where was I??........O yes......The Closet...........Everyone has a closet of anxieties,some bigger then others......Myself..............Mine seems to have a closet full of skeletons (No it's not a Greatest Hits Album either) ,more then some Graveyards it seems at times...........I've been lucky that none of them have ever come back to life to bite me on the ass but I'm afraid that one day at least one of them will and I'm not sure how I'll react to it.

I guess that's why I am the way I am.........I've never wanted anyone to really get to know me because I'm afraid they would think the same thing I do...........What a Fool,how does he do it day in and day out...That's also why I don't think I've ever had a "Significant Other" AKA...Someone to like me for more then just a Friend............If I can barely stand myself at times why would they??

Gee................Why is it I'm thinking just another "Pity me Post" and as the Swing goes I tell myself F you it's my blog I can say what I want

To be continued


Anonymous said...

If there is anyone on the face of this earth that says that they have never done something that they are not proud of, here and now, I call them a liar.

Sometimes peple are not who they seem, sometimes they are. It is up to each of us to figure it all out on our own.

What I do know, my friend, is that if I needed to call you in the middle of the night, homeless, hungry and without a change of clothes, you would pick me up, feed me and take me shopping...'ve already done that :)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Traci said...

I know I'm kinda late on responding to this one, but I agree with Kelley, you have no qualms what so ever about helping out someone in need. Any lady would be lucky to have you, and I if I found a man to love me with all my crap in my past and with how I feel about "myself" sometimes, then it's possible for you too my friend!