Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Every Waking Moment

Well maybe not every one.......There must be a few Nanoseconds a day it's not on my mind......But really not that many.And it's not the Train wreck I'm talking about......That for the most part is still in the back of the cobwebs of the mind but not in the front and really for the most part I'm able to keep it there........It's something else that I just have to convince myself that I know will never happen and I think for the good of the whole thing that it shouldn't but like most things........I hold out that maybe....Just maybe it could........

Lawnboy and the handymouse have a few projects planned for the next few weekends.........One will be to finale move boxes from the garage to the attic,with that done I'll be able to put up the garage door opener..That should be a fun project.I also have a project of building a screen porch for the deck in back......That one will be fun because I know Alice really wants it done so I think I'll suprice her and do it one of these weekends............Then we'll be able to sit in back and not be eaten alive by the mosquitoes......I have to say it's fun being the Handymouse though.....I get to do guy things and I know it's very appreciated and with the Will Work for Food sign it works out great for me............The lawn is a different story......For the most part it looks OK but not great....I'm just waiting till fall because Lawn work in the summer sucks IMO...Too Freakin' Hot to be out there with a rake and worrying about the lawn.....But come fall I'll put more time into it.........It doesn't need much really just a good raking and fertilizer..........Then with a little more work come next spring it will look beautiful I hope

Well I guess that's if for now..............I look forward to seeing the parents for Thanksgiving and it sounds like I may be going to Vero for Christmas Dinner this year.....That should be fun


Lola said...

I still don't know if they wll let me bring a Ham on the plane though ;)

Traci said...

Talk in English, not codes and maybe your internet friends can give you some great suggestions??

Kingmsmn67 said...

Kellie I would think they will let you bring Tom on the plane :D

Traci............Sorry code only for things that just can't make it all the way into the blog.......you're more then welcome to come here and read my jurnal if you want....it's not in code there :D

monica said...

I would be willing to guess, but maybe not "here in public".

Yay for friends at Christmas, sounds fun! Yay for parents at Thanksgiving!