Monday, October 17, 2005

Things I would do before turning to the Dark Side

1.Take up Line Danceing,buy a truck,and get a Nascar schedual
2.Denouce all loyalty to the NFL and have Touchdown Jesus Tatooed on my forehead and ND burned into my sideburns
3.Except that there is no live beond the SEC and become a Cane,Nole,or Gater Fan.........since that's how it is here in Sunny Florida
4.Cheer for any Team that doesn't have the Stench of Lake Michigan waffling through the air at their Stadium :)........that should cover must any team that I would never like I would think
5.Feel like a Cubs fan and say "There's Always Next Year"

I know it's just a game played by Way Over paid Jock but it's still a tradition...wether they win or lose..............


Holly said...

I need video of the line dancing. To go with my hula film. :)

Anonymous said...


Hey Thomas, I don't post on Keeneland anymore, but I read from time to time...what is up with you saying "who will be the first to throw Traci overboard"? Did I say or do anything to you to make you want to post something like that? And honestly, what made me the "bad" person all of a sudden??

Just curious.


Kingmsmn67 said...

Sorry no Vidio........some sort of copyrite way and the Dancing Chicken

Kingmsmn67 said...

yep.........about half and half

that's Ok......I'll just go to Autopia and sit in the grandstands if I want to watch cars make left and right turns :D