Sunday, February 12, 2006

Just another Tuesday to me

First off.....Fuck you........I'm just as sick of listening to me whine as you are but at least you don't have to live with it.

I guess with Tuesday about to come and go again I believe that for another years it's over......The holidays have come and gone,the Birthday is over,the feel of a New Year has come and past and once again that day in February that so many seem to enjoy for so many reasons is just another day to me.

With those out of the way,I can get on with the regular Whining....Not just the holiday and Winter Whining.

Some interesting news though.........I'm happy for them.......Very Jealous as I am with anyone that has been able to find a Significant other,but over all I'm happy for them and I hope they fine happiness together for a long time too....................Although if I was a bettin' man I would guess who will wear the pants in the family and make all the desitions..........And I know for a fact there won't ever be a guess as to who has to move where.......But that's just my opinions that isn't worth the time it takes to spell check it I guess.

One other sad note.......At least for now.........I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to close another door......I'm sure I'll look in the window from time to time but I've convinced myself that I just can't open it again because of what I've done and said over the last few months and I just don't feel comfortable there anymore................(insert "God he really is a Freak and an Idiot isn't he." here).I've lived the life of a mouse for so long that it's just easyer to run away and hide then to try to change what I am..................



Anonymous said...

You can close the door all you want, but some of us will just have to break it down for you.

Joanne said...

I'm not sure what door you're referring to but I know from experience that half of what you think about yourself (the bad stuff) others do not see. Isolating yourself from people will only make you, well, isolated. I would guess your friends are more caring and compassionate than you give them credit for.

And hey, I miss you at DS! Come by and say hey, okay?

Lola said...

Just another Tuesday here too!!!

Don't close too many doors...who would I have to tell me I'm about to liquefy a frog with my size 9 NB's? Oh didn't do that did you :)

This holiday was created by the mean girls in high school who lived to make the rest of the workd miserable. Avoid it at all costs. If you give in to it than they win!!!

Traci said...

Thomas, I think this recent "announcement" of couplage has made this "door" decision for you, and it shouldn't.

Look at the meaning of it instead. I'm sure at one time either Pat or Cindy felt there would be no one, but yet here they are. Life is still rolling along, so roll with it baby!!

And Tuesday was just a day for me too, trust me. I went and played cards and had coffee with a friend that night.

I wish you would take advantage of the "friendship" I offer to you by emailing me or calling if you need to talk. I've been told I have a pretty darn good ear.

Anonymous said...

You know I'm always late with these things, but don't let people run you away. It will only hurt you not them. Stick around and ignore those who are dumb