Monday, December 19, 2005

First thing we do is Kill all the lawyers

Well over the last 2 days I've gotten about 50 cards and letters from Lawyers about my situation.........Slime Balls all of them..........Only 2 of them sent anything that wasn't just a form letter for their service.........Well I talked to one of them and I may end up hiring him just because it would make some of my ordeal a little simpler.

So this afternoon at work I'm standing outside having my afternoon smoke brake.....I look down and there is a 5$ folded just laying there in the street.....Don't think anything of it and I stuff it in my pocket....Thinking....Well......Not like I don't need an extra 5 bucks.........I finish my smoke and I'm headed back in and I figure I'll add that five with the one I have in my pocket......Go and unfold that 5 and sure as shit there is a zero behind that 5...........Guess someone is Smiling down on me to let me find a 50$ bill..........Didn't keep it very long though because I still own the guy that sold me his bike another 50 but still.....It's 50$ I didn't have at noon today

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