Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Tiss the Season.............I guess

For a person that's always stuck on the Mood Swing in the Amusment Park of Life this season is always the worst for me.I can be happy one minute the next I have an F You attitude to life.I try not to let it get to me but it always does............I don't know what it is......I had someone tell me it's all in my head...Well no shit....Like I didn't already know that...They said it could all be made better by taking a little pill......Well that didn't work.....Too many years of touring with the Grateful Dead and I found that little pill was more enjoyable if I washed it down with a beer.....Just a cheap buzz and made me longing for a blotter or four,better yet a puddle on my palm to lick off.Although the left over Ready Whip from Thanksgiving was fun......Just say N2O :D


1 comment:

Joanne said...

"Green Christmas" by the Barenaked Ladies sums it up for me sometimes at this time of year.

Exercise helps me and talking it out with friends too. :)