Monday, June 19, 2006

Nothing new really

Guess I could just say SSDD but I can't get away with that.Still waiting of an answer from Disney but they did say one to two weeks and it's not even a week yet........I hope sometime this week though......And I really do hope I get the answer I want.

Punched my tkt for the Moodswing this weekend while at the Parks..........I just don't know what it is that sometimes I just get so down on myself.I guess it's the fact that too often I see families enjoying themselves and having fun and there I am alone with no-one to share it with.....But like I said....SSDD,and I'll set out the Brie and crackers to go along with that Whine

1 comment:

Traci said...

Dude, I used to feel that same way. Just remember, it's never too late.