Saturday, March 17, 2007

Pathetic Loser

Although I haven't looked.....I'm guessing if you googled "Pathetic Loser" it would bring you a link to here.........or to a wikipedia page that would have my mug on it..........Just a feeling I have.Never a dull moment in the life of the mouse.Guess that's why I measure my self esteem in negative numbers.

So...........Friday night I sent off an email saying how I had a nice time and that I hoped they did too,and that I was looking forward to maybe going out again..........she had a friend in town so I wasn't surprised when I didn't get a return.Wednesday I called and we talked for a few minutes and she said she had to put the phone down for a sec.......I held of a couple minuets and she never came back...........I haven't called back yet for a follow up on the last time but still........I just have to start the swing that it's just a mater of time before I get the "Just Friends" which I guess in a sense is really what I would like to start at anyways..................

And Ya....I know......God.....does he ever stop whinning......Fuck No.....Why do that....



Anonymous said...

Aww Tom, be patient, you never know what can happen. Evenif you are only frieds, she muct have some single friends.

monica said...

OK, I tried to post this once and it didn't show. If it posts twice, sorry-

Awww, I'd hope there is a good reason for that odd phone situation. If she didn't want to talk, she should have said something. Not coming back was rude and I really dislike rude people. I agree that being friends is good and could open up all sorts of new social settings for meeting new people! Hang in there and think positive, it helps!!

Joanne said...

If she did that intentionally, you wouldn't want her anyway. Please be careful about hanging all your hopes on one girl. You really just have to look upon it as an opportunity to meet new people. Be patient, stay upbeat and don't always assume the issue is you.

Traci said...

I agree with Jo!! "Just keep swimming"

Anonymous said...

you never know what happened, Scott and I have been going out with a friend of ours on Fridays for about a year and half, you woulnd't BELIEVE the crazy girl stories he tells us! but you gotta keep plugging away, don't get discouraged, and don't take it personally. until you hear it from her, don't assume anything. Keep your chin up, she's out there somewhere, and she's worth the search!